Submission to Journal-First and Sister Conferences Paper Track
The goal of this track is to provide a forum to discuss important results in the area of constraint programming, including those at the interface of another area (scientific, industrial, artistic…), that appeared or were accepted recently (in the last two years) in relevant journals and in sister conferences (a non exhaustive list of sister conferences contains AAAI, ECAI, IJCAI, ICAPS, KR, AAMAS, etc). An important requirement for the paper is that it should have never been presented at CP in past editions. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to give an oral presentation at the conference and to provide a one-page abstract citing their journal/sister conference paper for the conference proceedings.
Important Dates
- May 2016
Submission deadline
May 22, 2016
- June 2016
Acceptance/rejection notification
June 6, 2016
Camera ready version
June 20, 2016
- September 2016
September 5-9, 2016
Submission Instructions
A one-page LNCS format PDF describing the main results of the journal or conference paper with at least a citation to it should be submitted together with the PDF of the original matching journal or conference paper as an attachment to EasyChair (CP 2016).
Conference Proceedings
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the
Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS) series by . They will contain the papers
accepted in the technical and thematic tracks, and the abstracts
of invited talks, abstracts of papers accepted in the journal
publication fast track and journal-first and sister conference
paper track.