Submission to all tracks
(except Journal-First and
Sister Conferences Paper)
Technical Track (CP 2016) and all thematic tracks: Application Track — Computational Sustainability Track — CP and Biology Track — Music Track — Preferences, Social Choice and Optimization Track — Testing and Verification Track.
You can still submit a paper to the Journal-First and Sister Conferences Paper track, to the Doctoral Program or to several Workshops.
Best Paper Prizes
There will be four best paper prizes:
- best conference paper and best student paper,
- distinguished conference paper and distinguished student paper.
Authors may designate papers as being student papers. By doing so the authors are declaring that the original work and the writing of the paper is principally that of students.
Important Dates
- April 2016
Abstract submission deadline
April 13, 2016April 18, 2016 -
Paper submission deadline
April 16, 2016April 22, 2016 - May 2016
Provisional reviews to authors
May 22, 2016 -
Author feedback
May 26, 2016 - June 2016
Acceptance/rejection notification
June 6, 2016
Camera ready version
June 20, 2016
- September 2016
September 5-9, 2016
Submission Instructions
There are two paper categories: long papers (15 LNCS pages + references) and short papers (8 LNCS pages + references). In the best interest of a paper, a paper can be moved to another track.
- Short papers are of the same status as long papers.
- They will be reviewed to the same standards of quality as full papers.
- They are eligible for the best paper prizes.
- You are required to submit an abstract by the abstract submission deadline.
- Submission of the paper should be in the form of a PDF file.
- Since the conference proceedings will be published in Springer's LNCS series, authors must follow these instructions while preparing their submission.
- Submissions exceeding the respective page limit or not being formatted according to Springer LNCS style will be immediately rejected without receiving any review.
- Papers must be readable when being printed in black and white.
- Paper submission is via EasyChair (CP 2016)
- Submission is not anonymous; reviewing is anonymous.
- Some reviewers refuse to visit links to the homepage of an author or her/his group in order to inspect the uploaded data, code, etc, as they see their anonymity potentially compromised that way. So, if you want to give access to such information, you should upload it into EasyChair. Note that reviewers should be able to review a paper without such additional information and that they are not required to consult it.
- There will be an opportunity to respond to reviewer's comments before decisions are made.
- For any queries about the paper submission process, please contact the Program Chair, Michel Rueher, at
Note about multiple submission
Multiple submission is disallowed:
- Submissions should not have appeared in, be accepted for, or be under review for another track, another peer reviewed conference or journal.
- Papers which have appeared at workshops or other meetings of lower status than a conference are allowed, as are papers which have only appeared in conferences in highly shortened form (e.g. short posters at some conferences.)
- Reviewers are instructed that contributions must be treated as new if they have only appeared in paper(s) by the same authors in acceptable outlets (as defined by the previous point).
Conference Proceedings
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the
Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS) series by . They will contain the papers
accepted in the technical and thematic tracks, and the abstracts
of invited talks, abstracts of papers accepted in the journal
publication fast track and journal-first and sister conference
paper track.