Journal fast track
Outstanding submissions to the technical or thematic tracks will be offered the opportunity to be published exclusively through a fast-track process in the Constraints journal: following a second round of minor review they will be accepted directly in the journal by the time of the conference. Authors of these papers can opt to extend their paper from 15 to 20 pages plus references. These papers will be acknowledged through a one-page abstract in the conference proceedings and will be presented during the conference on the same ground as any other accepted submission.
Important dates
- June 2016
Notification of fast-track acceptation
June 6, 2016
Deadline for accepting fast-track transfer
June 10, 2016
Extended journal version submission deadline
June 20, 2016
One page abstract submission deadline
June 20, 2016
- July 2016
Reviews on extended journal version
July 4, 2016
Camera ready journal version
July 11, 2016
- September 2016
September 5-9, 2016
Submission instructions
No direct submission to the Journal fast track is possible. Only selected submissions from the technical and thematic tracks will be invited to submit to this track.
Following invitation, if the transfer to the track is accepted by the authors, the submitted paper should be extended and reformatted to a 20 pages paper according to the Constraints Journal Guidelines and compressed to a one page abstract in LNCS format. that will appear in the CP proceedings.
Conference Proceedings
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the
Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS) series by . They will contain the papers
accepted in the technical and thematic tracks, and the abstracts
of invited talks, abstracts of papers accepted in the journal
publication fast track and journal-first and sister conference
paper track.